Former University Dean Says She Was Wrongfully Terminated

Former University Dean Says She Was Wrongfully Terminated
Sep 15, 2018

Each company has their own standards for how they expect their employees to perform. These companies also have different standards for the different types of positions within the company. When the employees do not meet these standards, the company has every right to fire the employee. However, not every employee is fired because they did not meet the standards. Many employees are fired because their bosses have a bias against them due to their age, sex, race, religion or in retaliation to an employee’s accusations about the company.

If the employee is fired for one of those reasons, it is illegal and the employee may be entitled to compensation for their wrongful termination. This is what a former dean of a university is doing after being fired for what she believes was retaliation. She had previously made complaints to the university about allegations of sexual harassment and she was then fired. She stated on social media that the university was trying to pay her off to keep her quiet. The lawsuit is pending according to her attorney. The university denies her claims.

It is not good for business when employees speak negatively about their employers. So, companies may have incentive to keep them quiet or at least keep others quiet who may think about stating things in the future. One way they do this is by firing employees who make complaints. This is illegal and they may need to compensate the employees they wrongfully terminate. The employee may be entitled to any compensation they lost because of the termination as well as other damages associated with it.

While there are many legal ways that employers in California can fire their employees, there are also many illegal ways as well. One of these ways is by firing them for making complaints regarding sexual harassment or other illegal activities at the company. If companies so this, it could be costly as they may be required to compensate the victim. Experienced attorneys understand employees’ rights and may be able to help protect them.

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