Case Results

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We invite you to browse some of our recent case results to learn more about our past successes and how we have helped people in situations similar to yours.

$1.8 Million Judgment

Kamali v. State Of California Department Of Transportation

In a single-plaintiff disability failure to accommodate/discrimination claim, our firm obtained a judgment of $1.8 million in 2012 against the State of California’s Department of Transportation (Caltrans) after an employee’s accommodations were repeatedly denied.

$1.8 Million Judgment

Kamali v. State Of California Department Of Transportation

In a single-plaintiff disability failure to accommodate/discrimination claim, our firm obtained a judgment of $1.8 million in 2012 against the State of California’s Department of Transportation (Caltrans) after an employee’s accommodations were repeatedly denied.

$1.5 Million Settlement

Sexual Orientation Harrassment Case

Our firm represented an employee who worked in a group environment where he was subjected to near-daily harassment based upon his sexual orientation, including being sent homoerotic pornography, being physically assaulted and battered, and being called gay and ethnic slurs over a period of years. Our attorneys fought hard to build the client’s case and ultimately obtained a settlement of $1.5 million in pretrial negotiations.

$1.15 Million Settlement

Single-Plaintiff Whistleblower Case

Our firm represented an individual government employee who made numerous reports of potential conflicts of interest and alleged that his supervisor was directing contracts and business to a specific private company that did business with the government. After over a year of litigation, the matter was settled for $1.15 million.

$1.1 Million Settlement

Race/National Origin Discrimination And Harassment Case

Our offices represented over a dozen current employees of an agency of the state of California who alleged that they were told that they could not speak Spanish at any time during the work day and who were systematically treated less favorably than their non-Hispanic co-workers by management. The employees complained, but the conduct continued until well after the lawsuit was filed.

Total Judgment Of Over $997,000

Brake v. State Of California Department Of Transportation

Our firm represented Mr. Brake, who had refused to engage in retaliation against a subordinate and was subsequently denied a promotion while being pressured by his supervisors to engage in retaliation. Following an extensive jury trial, Mr. Brake prevailed on all causes of action.

$598,000 Settlement

Two-Plaintiff harassment case based on religion/race settled for $598,000

$500,000 Settlement

Gender Discrimination And Retaliation Case

An employee of a large national company was repeatedly passed over for promotions while less experienced male colleagues were given responsibilities over her. She complained to human resources, and within a couple of months was written up — for the first time in a decade — for alleged performance issues.

$500,000 Settlement

National Origin Discrimination Case

Our office represented an employee from Iran whose supervisors had made negative comments about Persians and later denied pay increases and promotional opportunities to a Persian employee.

$400,000 Settlement

Sexual Orientation Harassment Case

Our firm represented an employee who was subjected to harassment for his sexual orientation in an environment that was virtually all male. He was mocked for being gay and insulted on a near-daily basis to the point that he could no longer tolerate the work environment. Our office helped him obtain paid leave and compensation for his injuries.

$350,000 Settlement

Single-Plaintiff Whistleblower Retaliation Case

Our firm represented an employee of a company who complained that his employer was refusing to pay its employees nondiscretionary bonuses/commissions, and was subsequently terminated for his reporting by a supervisor who was upset that the employee would question her.

$330,000 Settlement

Multi-Plaintiff Wage And Hour Case

In a multi-plaintiff case involving multiple individual plaintiffs, our office was able to recover $330,000 on behalf of our clients for failure to pay overtime and failure to provide proper meal and rest breaks.

$136,000 Jury Verdict

Zhang v. Amgen — Employee Misclassification Case

Our firm represented an employee who was misclassified as exempt in a research scientist position. Following a jury trial, we were able to recover over $136,000 in unpaid overtime as well as meal and rest break penalties.

$750 Million Recovered

Whistleblower Qui Tam Actions

Additionally, our firm has represented multiple individuals in whistleblower qui tam actions that helped recover over $750 million to the United States government.

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