Los Angeles Sexual Harassment Lawyer

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Los Angeles Sexual Harassment Attorney

The professional lawyers at our firm in Los Angeles have handled dozens of sexual harassment claims. Hennig Kramer aggressively advocate on behalf of workers who suffer the indignity of sexual harassment on the job. All of our attorneys have at least a decade’s worth of experience. Our sexual harassment law firm has stood firmly in the fight against workplace sexual harassment since 1995.

Unlike a great deal of attorneys who hope to settle, our sexual harassment lawyers aren’t afraid to take your case to trial. As experienced litigators, we fight hard for our clients to get the positive results that they so gratefully deserve.

Discuss your situation with an employment lawyer experienced in California sexual harassment cases. Call our Los Angeles law office at (213) 310-8301. We have same-day appointments available. 

What Is Sexual Harassment?

Sexual harassment includes both verbal and physical conduct of a sexual nature. Sexual harassment in the workplace does not have to be motivated by sexual interest. A person who is sexually harassing an employee does not have to want to do anything sexual with that person necessarily.

Sexual harassment simply means that the harassing conduct is motivated by the worker’s sex or gender identification. Male, female, and gender nonconforming individuals all may be victims of workplace sexual harassment.

The two main categories of workplace sexual harassment include:

  • Quid pro quo harassment: When a supervisor or manager demands sexual favors as a condition of employment or another workplace advancement. Quid pro quo is considered illegal harassment even if this demand was only implied. It also only takes one incident of quid pro quo harassment to be illegal.
  • Hostile work environment harassment: When an employer creates or knowingly allows the existence of a hostile or offensive work environment. Some cases of hostile work environment harassment must be proven to be persistent or pervasive.

Sexual harassment of any kind negatively affects the targeted individual and may even impact workers who aren’t targeted. As a result of the harassment, they may have trouble performing their work and suffer from emotional and mental distress.

Protections Against Sexual Harassment in California

California’s Fair Employment and Housing Act (CFEHA) protects employees from discriminatory harassment, including sexual harassment. The California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) investigates sexual harassment in the state and also provides rules stating an employer’s obligation to prevent workplace sexual harassment.

Employers in California must provide their employees with basic sexual harassment information, as well as establish a policy for harassment prevention. Employers of at least fifty employees must also provide sexual harassment prevention training to all supervisory employees.

Recognizing Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

Anyone who has ever been the victim of sexual harassment knows that it can deprive someone of their dignity. Sexual harassment is a form of gender discrimination that should not be tolerated in the workplace. Just as with other types of workplace discrimination, there are both overt and subtle examples that are just as damaging.

Workplace sexual harassment and discrimination may manifest as:

  • Jokes, rude or offensive comments, and gestures
  • Repeated unwanted compliments on an employee’s appearance
  • Unwanted sexual advances, including suggestive texts or emails
  • Unwanted physical contact
  • Unwanted romantic or sexual gifts
  • Spreading rumors of a sexual nature
  • Persistent contact and pressure
  • Displaying sexually suggestive media in the workplace
  • Threats and other adverse reactions to rejected advances

Employers are responsible for protecting employees from sexual harassment not just from other employees, but also from customers and clients. In some cases, an employer can be liable for sexual harassment even if they themselves did not participate.

As a result of sexual harassment or filing a complaint about harassment, victims may experience illegal retaliation or other unlawful discrimination. This can take the form of a denial of a raise or additional work opportunities, negative performance reviews, and wrongful termination.

Discuss your situation with an Los Angeles sexual harassment lawyer by calling our L.A. County law office at (213) 310-8301. We have same-day appointments available. 

Damages You Can Recover in a Sexual Harassment Case

If you have suffered sexual harassment in your workplace, our LA sexual harassment lawyers may be able to recover compensation for the damages you suffered. These damages are meant to remedy any damages you suffered as a result of the harassment, both financially and emotionally.

Compensation for victims of sexual harassment can include:

  • Lost wages, including back pay and compensation for lost benefits
  • Pain and suffering
  • Compensation for the costs of medical bills or searching for a new job
  • Punitive damages, in egregious cases

Compensatory and punitive damages can be limited according to federal and state law. An experienced Los Angeles sexual harassment lawyer can help you determine what damages apply and how to best pursue your case.

Contact Our Los Angeles Sexual Harassment Lawyers

If you’ve experienced sexual harassment in Los Angeles, don’t suffer in silence. Hennig Kramer LLP is here to empower you, fight for your rights, and bring your harasser to justice. Contact us today for compassionate and expert legal assistance. Your voice matters.

Contact our Los Angeles sexual harassment attorney by calling our L.A. County law office at (213) 310-8301. We have same-day appointments available. 

View Transcript


an employee may not be uh subject to um

unlawful comments in the workplace that

would be a category of verbal sex

harassment an employee may not be

subject to visual forms of sexual

harassment such as unwanted images or

unwanted nudity Etc in the workplace and

finally an employee may not be subject

to un unwant touching or um unwanted

violation of their personal space which

is a physical form of sexual harassment

so when we evaluate sexual harassment

cases we look at whether employees are

subject to verbal visual or physical

forms of sex harassment um to determine

whether a cause of action can be brought

View Transcript


sexual harassment is an adverse a

negative treatment of an employee based

on that

employees sex um that is how that

employee presents at the basic level

there are derivative um sex

discrimination claims that an employee

may bring based upon how that employee

presents um based upon their sex or um

identifies based on their gender there

are many manifestations of an employees

sex and when an employees treated

differently um specifically worse

because of that um that is unlawful

speaking of sex discrimination and the

related claims of sex harassment

occasionally an employee may be given a

benefit um that they can only acquire um

in the context of sexual harassment if

they acques to certain demands by an

employer um in those cases that is also

unlawful because employment privileges

should not ever be conditioned upon an

employes consent to certain sex acts um

or coerced consent if you will in the

same vein in a hostile work environment

sex harassment case um an employee may

not be subject to a different work

environment one that is hostile abusive

unwelcome or offensive because of that

employee sex or man manifestations



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