Is Dating a Co-Worker Okay?

Is Dating a Co-Worker Okay?
Sep 18, 2018

Workplace Romances And The Law

Are you considering dating a co-worker? Are you concerned that your employer may fire you if you do? Dating a co-worker can be complicated, especially because it blurs the line between professional and personal conduct. According to California law, employees can have romantic relationships, but employers can put certain restrictions on those relationships if they impact the workplace.

Workplace romances fall under the category of employment law. Fortunately, at Hennig, Ruiz & Singh, our lawyers have decades of experience in this practice area. We can provide you with thoughtful, practical and reliable legal advice about a variety of employment law matters, including sexual harassment claims. We invite you to contact us for more information.

California Law Puts Limits On Both Employees And Employers

Your employer has very limited power to control what you do or prohibit behavior outside of the workplace. While certain illegal behaviors like drug use or theft can lead to termination, very few legal behaviors can legally lead to employment termination. They can, however, fire you if your workplace romance:

  • Causes discriminatory or preferential treatment toward an employee
  • Endangers workplace security or morale
  • Results in misuse of supervisory powers, like reassigning shifts or duties unfairly
  • Leads to sexual harassment claims from the other person in your relationship

The California Labor Code limits employers’ power. This does not mean that workplace relationships are consequence-free, socially or legally.

Do You Have Questions?

If you are currently dating or are considering dating a co-worker, it may be in your best interest to speak with an attorney about your employer’s workplace policies, the law and how to conduct yourself in the workplace. The attorneys at Hennig, Ruiz & Singh have decades of experience with workers’ rights law. Call our office in Los Angeles. Dial (213) 310-8301 or contact us by email.

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