Uber Sued by Former Employee for Sexual Harassment

Uber Sued by Former Employee for Sexual Harassment
Jun 07, 2018

There have been many companies who have recently been sued for sexual harassment as the #metoo movement has grown. This movement not only seeks to punish those who have allowed sexual harassment in the workplace in the past, but also change the culture in the workplace where that type of behavior was common. However, in order to force change one usually has to hold the company accountable through lawsuits.

Uber, despite being a relatively new company, is apparently not immune from this type of behavior. A former employee recently sued Uber after it had recently lifted the mandatory arbitration requirement for its employees. She states that she was subjected to various forms of sexual harassment and initially nothing was done, but after a second complaint a co-worker was fired. That did not end her troubles though. After the man was fired she states that she was isolated by the other male managers. Other employees also shared sexually explicit material at work.

These complaints unfortunately seem to be similar to the complaints of employees at other companies as well. This demonstrates how ingrained this behavior is and how much needs to change before the problem is fixed. In the meantime these employees may suffer the consequences. They may be entitled to compensation though. This compensation could include back pay for income lost as well as lost benefits. It could also include money for any emotional distress it caused or potentially defamation depending on the circumstances.

Before the problem is fully fixed, many other female workers in California may be the victims of sexual harassment in the workplace. These women may be entitled to compensation though. This compensation can provide for the victims financially, but also hold the companies accountable for their actions. These can be complicated cases though and consulting with an experienced attorney may be important.

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