The Need for Human Resources in Preventing Sexual Harassment

The Need for Human Resources in Preventing Sexual Harassment
Dec 23, 2019

If an employee of a company in California feels as though he or she has been mistreated and is the victim of sexual harassment, one of the first steps they should take is to report their concerns to the human resources department within their organization. While it would be ideal for people to receive an immediate response coupled with an effective solution to prevent further mistreatment from occurring, this is often not the case.

Many times, such claims are filed away only to be procrastinated until a later date. If an investigation is opened, it takes a significant length of time for departmental officials to verify that the claims are indeed truthful and require some sort of intervention. According to Forbes, human resources workers are responsible for protecting the employees of a company by protecting the culture, values and competencies that an organization is known for. When lackluster attempts are made at investigating and verifying concerning claims, organizational leaders and human resource workers, in particular, put the well-being of company employees at risk.

When concerned workers who have been victimized by other coworkers or even superiors, feel that their concerns are heard and are considered important, they may feel much more motivated to continue putting forth their best efforts. This mentality can prevent serious issues from undermining productivity and destroying company success.

CNN reports that organizations will benefit from recognizing that sometimes investigating harassment claims means upholding integrity even when the person in question is their superior. They should also realize that enforcement is critical for anyone accused of harassment even if that person is considered to be in a position of authority.

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