Know Your Rights: Sexual Orientation Discrimination

Know Your Rights: Sexual Orientation Discrimination
Sep 02, 2021

Discrimination against a person’s sexual orientation occurs more frequently than people think – especially in the workplace. For such reasons, it is important for employees to understand their rights when it comes to sexual orientation discrimination. Our Los Angeles employment law attorneys explain everything you need to know to protect yourself if you are experiencing sexual orientation discrimination in the workplace.

What Is Sexual Orientation Discrimination?

Sexual orientation discrimination includes being treated differently or harassed because of your real or perceived sexual orientation.

Sexual Orientation Discrimination in the Workplace

State and federal laws prohibit discrimination against workers due to their sexual orientation. The Supreme Court said that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which makes it illegal for employers to discriminate because of a person’s sex, now covers sexual orientation and transgender status.

The California Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) also makes it illegal for an employer to fire, harass, demote, fail to hire, or retaliate against because of an employee’s sexual orientation or gender expression.


Workplace harassment is a common form of discrimination in the workplace. Harassment includes offensive and unwelcome conduct. Your employer cannot promote or condone a hostile or inappropriate work environment that affects your performance of work tasks.

How to Enforce Your Rights

If you believe that your employer or potential employer has discriminated against you because of your sexual orientation, you have state and federal laws that protect you. It means that you can take action against the employer to get compensation and prevent it from happening to another person. Our team at Hennig Kramer Ruiz Singh, LLP can analyze your situation and help you determine if you have a valid case. If so, we can help you come up with the best strategy to protect yourself.

Contact us today at (213) 310-8301 to schedule a confidential consultation!

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