Disability Discrimination: What Is Considered Reasonable Accommodation?

Disability Discrimination: What Is Considered Reasonable Accommodation?
Dec 02, 2021

Disabled workers can request reasonable accommodations if they are needed to assist them with their role or work environment. If you are a disabled employee with mental or physical disabilities, you can request a reasonable accommodation to make your role or work environment manageable. Our Los Angeles employment law attorneys explain what a reasonable accommodation is and what to do if you face discrimination due to it.

What Is Reasonable Accommodation?

Employees with disabilities can request a reasonable accommodation to make adjustments to their work environment, job duties, or even their schedules. Common forms of accommodation include:

  • Job restructuring
  • Medical leave
  • Modified work schedule or part-time
  • Modified workspace
  • Job reassignment

To qualify for reasonable accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), an employee must have a “physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities.”

What If My Request Gets Denied?

If your employer denied your request, you should try to have a discussion with them to determine why your request was denied. We recommend that you also get the reason for the denial in writing. If your employer refuses to explain why your claim was denied, you should speak with an experienced employment law attorney.

What Do I Do If I Am Being Discriminated Against?

If you requested a reasonable accommodation and are now facing disability discrimination, you have laws that protect you. To protect your rights, you can file a claim against your employer. Because time limits apply to the filing of these claims, it is best to have an experienced attorney on your side if you are facing disability discrimination. Whether your reasonable accommodation was denied or you are facing backlash for making a request, our team at Hennig Kramer LLP can help you.

Contact us today at (213) 310-8301 to schedule a consultation!

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