10 Group Volunteering Opportunities in Los Angeles to Help Employees Give Back This Holiday Season

10 Group Volunteering Opportunities in Los Angeles to Help Employees Give Back This Holiday Season
Dec 11, 2015

If you’re like us, then it is important that you lend a helping hand to your neighbors whenever possible. While we as attorneys seek to make the community a better place by offering employment law services to employees and serving on boards for various local organizations, the holiday season always has us pondering how we can give back even more. And if you’ve found this blog post, you’re likely thinking the same yourself!

During this season of giving, it is even more helpful to the community if you consider asking your coworkers or employees to participate in a group volunteering day, offering a coworker-backed donation to a local charity, or even adding a fundraising opportunity to your corporate holiday party. Not only will these acts of giving bring comfort to those in need, but they will make everyone in the workplace feel like they are giving back – plus helping workers feel a sense of comradery.


If you’re like us, then it is important that you lend a helping hand to your neighbors whenever possible. While we as attorneys seek to make the community a better place by offering employment law services to employees and serving on boards for various local organizations, the holiday season always has us pondering how we can give back even more. And if you’ve found this blog post, you’re likely thinking the same yourself!

During this season of giving, it is even more helpful to the community if you consider asking your coworkers or employees to participate in a group volunteering day, offering a coworker-backed donation to a local charity, or even adding a fundraising opportunity to your corporate holiday party. Not only will these acts of giving bring comfort to those in need, but they will make everyone in the workplace feel like they are giving back – plus helping workers feel a sense of comradery.

This holiday season, consider volunteering with one of the following Los Angeles organizations to help combat hunger, abuse, abandonment, unemployment and make the community even more beautiful.

Group Volunteering Opportunities in Los Angeles for the Holidays

1.) Downtown Women’s Center


The Downtown Women’s Center (DWC) is the only Los Angeles organization that is dedicated exclusively to addressing the needs of women overcoming homelessness and poverty in the Skid Row area. Founded in 1978, the DWC’s mission is to provide permanent supportive housing and a healthy, safe community that fosters dignity, respect, personal stability, and advocating the end of homelessness for women.

Group Volunteer Opportunities

Consider Donating

2.) Habitat for Humanity of Greater Los Angeles


Los Angeles ranks as one of the least affordable housing areas in the nation, but Habitat for Humanity of Greater Los Angeles (Habitat LA) offers affordable homeownership programs for families in need. Habitat LA lessens the burdens that come from low income and works with volunteers, corporations and individuals to tackle this important housing issue.

Group Volunteer Days

Consider Donating

3.) Homeboy Industries


Homeboy Industries offers a continuum of free services and programs, plus operates seven social enterprises that serve as job-training sites for high-risk, men and women who were formerly involved in gangs and incarcerated. The organization provides hope, training, and support to thousands of former Los Angeles gang members who are making strides in creating a positive life.

Start a Holiday Fundraiser

Consider Hiring from Homeboy

4.) Hope of the Valley


Hope of the Valley, a faith-based compassion ministry, seeks to attract people and resources to help assist their efforts in meeting the needs of homeless and hungry men, women, and children in Los Angeles. The mission offers clients assistance, knowledge, resources and skills to live self-sufficiently. The mission implements their strategies through staff and volunteer workers. They also partner with businesses, civic organizations, and government agencies.

Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer Group Calendar

5.) Jewish Family Service of Los Angeles


Jewish Family Service of Los Angeles (JFSLA) is on a mission to strengthen and preserve individual, family, and community life by providing human services to the people of Los Angeles at every stage in life – including the disadvantaged. JFSLA helps improve lives of men, women, and children of all religions, ethnicities, and ages with compassionate social services. Throughout the year, JFSLA relies on volunteers to host events, fundraisers, and holiday celebrations. Groups can even adopt a family and donate holiday gifts.

Volunteer Opportunities

Consider Donating

6.) Lamp Community


Lamp Community worked towards puting an end to homelessness for Los Angeles’ most vulnerable residents, primarily those suffering from mental illness. Lamp helps Los Angeles area residents with severe mental illness move from the streets to safe, permanent housing. They also provide health treatment, drug recovery, healthcare, budgeting, visual and performing arts, job opportunities, and other support services to help individuals thrive in the community.

Volunteer Opportunities

Consider Donating

7.) Los Angeles Mission


The Los Angeles Mission provides the poor and homeless men, women, and children of Los Angeles with resources, spiritual guidance and hope for the future. The mission works to set individuals and families free from addictions, while helping them obtain education, sustainable housing, and encouragement to create relationships of love and service to others. Volunteer opportunities include decorating, cooking, grant writing, and more.

Events & Volunteer Opportunities

Consider Donating

8.) Midnight Mission


The Midnight Mission offers Los Angeles men, women, and children who have lost everything a path back to self-sufficiency. The mission provides emergency services, job training, education, and work programs to help families and individuals achieve productive lives. Volunteer opportunities include everything from meal preparation, sorting clothing, and even professional services such as legal help.

Sponsor a Group Serve Day

Consider Donating

9.) NKLA


NKLA (No-Kill Los Angeles) is an initiative led by Best Friends Animal Society that brings together passionate Los Angeles citizens, local shelters, and animal welfare organizations to end the killing of dogs and cats in shelters throughout Los Angeles. NKLA provides spay/neuter services so fewer animals are brought into shelters, plus the organization seeks to increase adoptions so more of the city’s animals are placed into loving homes.

Host an Event

Consider Donating

10.) Tree People


If you care about the beauty and health of Los Angeles’ beautiful landscapes, consider volunteering with Tree People. The organization inspires and supports Los Angeles residents in coming together to plant and care for trees, harvest rain, and renew depleted landscapes. Tree People unites communities by growing greener, shadier, and more water-secure communities in neighborhoods, schools and more. For more than 40 years, the organization has involved more than 2 million people in planting and caring for over 2 million trees in the area.

Group Volunteer Opportunities

Events Calendar

Consider Donating

Have you volunteered with other Los Angeles organizations during the holidays? Let our employment lawyers know about them in the comments.

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