Major Biomedical Research Institute Accused of Sex Discrimination

Major Biomedical Research Institute Accused of Sex Discrimination
May 06, 2018

It can take a long time for some societal norms to change in California. One of these is sexual harassment and gender discrimination in the workplace. There have been laws prohibiting both practices for a long time now, but the practices are still relatively common. Both practices have also been in the spotlight recently as well and many prominent individuals, companies and politicians have come under fire for it. More and more companies continue to be accused as well.

Recently another company has been accused of both sexual harassment and gender discrimination. A few months ago three different women at Salk Institute for Biomedical Studies, a leading biomedical research institute, sued the company for gender discrimination. They accused the company of providing women fewer resources for their labs, less grant money to conduct their research, lower pay and other discriminatory practices.

In addition to those accusations, multiple women have now initiated lawsuits accusing one of the top scientists at the institute of sexual harassment. They claim that he made many sexual comments and advancements, groped them, tried to forcibly kiss them and other accusations.

While the institute and the scientist deny all these accusations, if they are proven, the institute will likely be required to compensate the victims. Employees have rights and all employees are to be treated equally regardless of their gender. If they are not, then the employer may be required to compensate the victims with back pay, future pay, reinstate them to their old position and other forms of compensation.

With all the recent lawsuits against companies and individuals in California for sexual harassment and gender discrimination, it is clear that steps still need to be taken to fully reverse these practices. Companies that discriminate may be held accountable and may be required to compensate the victims. Experienced attorneys understand employee’s rights and may be able to help protect them.

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